Incredible perspectives for your blogger blog

bloggerdynamicviewsBlogger has just launched a set of incredible perspective views which can turn your blogs into stunning examples of CSS3 and HTML5 Technologies.

Checkout the following perspective views of BloggerPlugins :..

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Follow By Email Gadget for Blogger

imageSome of you might have already noticed the new “Follow by Email” Gadget on your “Add a Gadget Page”. The gadget is pretty simple and easy to install.


To add this Gadget, Follow these simple steps

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What’s next with Blogger

What's next with BloggerBlogger was created by Pyra Labs in 1999 and was acquired by Google in 2003. Ever since the acquisition, Google has been improvising and adding new features it. Blogger is changing and its changing real fast. Last year we saw lots of new features being added on to blogger like:

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