How To Add Google Analytics On Blogger Blog

Google Analytics or GA, in short, is a free (basic) service by Google for webmasters for detailed tracking of traffic to one's website/blog. It is also available in premium, but we do not need it as basic service, which is free, shows us everything we need to know. It shows us a number of useful stats which are crucial to succeed in our online business. Beside the number of pageviews, unique visitors or bounce rate, it also shows the keywords data, page load time, from where visitor landed, which browser they used, what error they encountered, real-time reporting, event tracking, campaign tracking, flow visualization and much more. Do you have any reason not to use Google Analytics on your blogger blog? Every other individual blogger or big companies use Google Analytics on their web pages so that they can do better in their market and provide maximum user-friendly experience to their visitors.

Steps To Add Google Analytics On Blogger Blog

1) Setting Up your account with Google Analytics!

  • Go to Google Analytics Page and click on Sign in Link (Top Left Side). Your existing Gmail account to sign into Google analytics account.
  • After Sign in, click on Sign Up button (in left side corner) to begin with setup process of your account.
  • Now you will have to fill up the necessary data required to set up your account like as; Account Name, Website Name, Website URL, Category, Time Zone etc. (see image below). Fill up all the required data and proceed.
Provide Details To Setup Your Google Analytics Account

  • After that scroll down to the end of the page and click on the blue button "Create Account", then a pop dialog box of  "Terms and Conditions" will appear. Accept their terms and conditions to proceed with the account setup.
  • As soon as you will accept the terms and conditions, you will be redirected to the page where you will get the Tracking id starts with UA and a JavaScript code. We need the tracking id only because blogger has its own feature which allow us enter our ID. Avoid JavaScript code.
Copy Your Google Analytics Tracking ID

2) Adding Google Analytics To Your Blogger Blog

This process is of just two steps. First we need to add the Tracking Id we have recently copied and secondly we need to add the code to our template but instead of adding the JavaScript code, we will add a <include> Tag which will do the magic of importing Google Analytics Code into our template  automatically on every page of our blog.
  • Go to Blogger → Settings → Other and then scroll down to the end.
  • You will see there is an option to add our UA id in "Analytics Web Property ID" box so paste your UA tracking id you had copied from Google Analytics account (See image below). Then save these settings and move on to next step.
Add Google Analytics Tracking ID to Blogger

  • Now go to Template → Edit HTML then wait to load the template code box.
  • Click anywhere inside the template code box, press Ctrl+F or Cmd+F so that a search box will appear.
  • Enter </body> code line to search box and hit enter. 
  • If you found that ending </body> tag in your template code, then just before this </body> tag line, paste this little code line <b:include name='google-analytics' data='blog'/>
  • Now save your template code because we are done with the installation process.

Easy Enough?

Everything is setup by now, but it might take few hours for Google Analytics to show the data in your account so do not worry about that, just simply give it at least 24 hours of time. Next day login back and check the stats and start playing around :). You can also link your Google webmasters account and Google Adsense account with your Google Analytics account so that you can get the more out of it. You can do much more with your Analytics account so just keep exploring its new features to learn more and get the more detailed analysis of your blog traffic, keywords etc. In case you face any problem in installing then just ask in the comment below. I will get back to help you. Always there :)

Add Horizontal Subscription Box Below The Post in Blogger

Horizontal Subscription Box widget For Blogger

A Subscription box below the post works like a magnet. This is simple and flat horizontal subscription box which occupies little space on your post footer. This widget would appear in post footer so that your readers can subscribe right after reading your blog post which is the right time for call to action. So without any delay, we should move forward to the installation steps. Our widgets contain no crap backlinks. Just what you need. Respect copyrights. If you are willing to share this widget code on your blog with your readers, just link back to this original post as a credit.

Installation Process of Horizontal Subscription Box Widget

Step 1) As usual, we have to edit out template html code so go to  Blogger → Template → Edit HTML → and after that just click anywhere inside the code box. Now press Ctrl+f (Windows) or Cmd+f (Mac), a search box will appear. Now find ]]></b:skin> code line and just before that code line, paste the whole CSS code given below.
/*  Subscription Box by:  */
.TBN-Sub-Box {
background: #000 url('' )no-repeat 0px 0px;
padding: 12px 0px 1px 0px;
clear: both;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
display: block;
margin: 10px 0;
height: 120px;
.TBN-Enter-Email {
color: #444242;
width: 160px;
background: #fff url( no-repeat 10px 5px;
padding: 5px 0px 5px 38px;
border-radius: 2px;
border: 1px solid #000;
margin-top: 22px;
.TBN-Button:hover {
background: #059ACA;
border: 2px solid #289EB6;
.TBN-Button {
background: #1BC414;
cursor: pointer;
color: #FFF;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 1px 0px 1px #3F3F3F;
border: 2px solid #15AD08;
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 15px;
padding: 3px 19px 3px 19px;
margin-left: 24px;
 .TBN-Headline {
text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #444343;
text-align: center;
color: #CAFFFD;
font-size: 17px;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin-top: 7px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: sans-serif;
To adjust the width and height of subscription box, just change the highlighted code line values and you are good to go with. If you know CSS then you can play with CSS code to make this widget more professional.

Step 2) In above step, we have inserted the CSS code and now we need to insert the HTML code of this widget. This time search for <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> code line and just after that paste the HTML code given below. (Before that see the step 3 to make compulsory changes).

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><div class='TBN-Sub-Box'><div class='TBN-Headline'>Subscribe Us by Email and Get Free Updates On Hot Topics!</div><form action='' class='btntEmailform' method='post' onsubmit=';;, &#39;popupwindow&#39;, &#39;scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520&#39;);return true' target='popupwindow'><input name='uri' type='hidden' value='TwistBlogger'/> <input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/> <input class='TBN-Enter-Email' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Enter your email...";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Enter your email...") {this.value = ""}' required='' type='text' value='Enter your email...'/> <input class='TBN-Button' title='' type='submit' value='Sign Up'/></form><div class='clr'></div></div></b:if>

Step 3) You need to edit the HTML code given above before pasting it because it contains our blog's FeedBurner address. Just replace the highlighted text in yellow color TwistBlogger with your blog's feed address. Now save your template code by clicking the orange color button on top of the template code box.

Finally visit any post on your blog and see the results. If any time anything goes wrong or you need to adjust its width, height or background image just ask in comments and I will help you with its complete installation. Did you like this subscription box? You can subscribe us for free future updates. Do share if you care :)

Recommended: Stylish Sidebar Subscription Box For Blogger

7 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills—Quickly

7 Tips To Improve Your Writing Skills
One is a writer who can write so are you? It is as easy but did I mention the "Quality" of writing? Writing is an art which everyone is not blessed with but over the time, it can be developed which depends upon you that how much effort you put into learning it. Whether you are a blogger or freelance writer, you need to be able to make a stand out from the crowd. It takes more to become a good writer then learning English by reading newspapers, journals or other articles. Below are some useful tips to improve your writing skills quickly I learned and would like to share.

1) Learning Grammar (Basics)

This is the first step you need to go with if you are serious with your writing. Grammar is the base of a good article. Writing is a totally different story and it doesn't matter whether English is your native language or not. If you are a Native English Speaker, then you can easily speak and understand English but it doesn't apply to writing. A simple mistake of "comma" or "apostrophe" can change the taste of the whole article. Here are some useful links I came across which might be helpful for you.
GrammarBook: English Rules

2) Read The Best of Best

This is the best way I ever came to know that read the best of best. It means reading the articles of experienced/giant writers and study them thoroughly about how do they write? How is the Formatting Style? How do they use graphics/images in their articles? How do they write sentences? How do they engage readers? etc. Here are a few links I do prefer to read articles on:

Brian Clark: CopyBlogger for reading articles and study them.
Writer's Helper: WriterHelper for the tips on writing.

3) Write To The Point

Always try to convey your message in simple and short sentences. Do not turn your article into a school teacher's lecture which is always hard to understand. :) Avoid using complex words and instead use simple and widely used words in daily life. Do not try to over explain your message because no one likes it and chances are more that you will not receive any comment because everything is over explained already. Leave some curiosity to be explained in comments :).

4) Proofread Your Articles

This is no wonder that everyone makes errors while writing whether new or experienced. Errors may be of the comma, misspelled words, a typo or forgetting to close parenthesis bracket. Reread your article to check these errors or ask others (friend or family member) to proofread your article to ensure an error-free article. I myself make a lot of errors and sometimes it is hard to find out our own errors so this is a good choice to ask others to proofread our article if possible.

5) Do not Repeat Same Words

Never ever repeat the same words in your article again and again as it will not sound delicious to your readers. The article will lose the engagement factor and distract the readers. Finally, you will end up losing a visitor who could be a loyal reader. Use the synonyms of those repeated words if it is necessary to use them. You can use a free software called WordWeb with over 1,20,000 synonyms, which is available online to download for free use.
Download Here: Free WordWeb Dictionary

6) Come Back Later

After You have drafted your post/article, leave it and go get a cup of tea or walk around then be back later to edit it with a fresh mind. This time read your article loudly and watch your flow of reading it. Does it sound good? Change the words which are breaking the flow and use their synonyms instead. You will also find out other common mistakes or complex sentences which need to be converted into simple yet effective to convey your message to the audience.

7) Re-write Your Older Posts/Articles

It is a good idea to pick some of your older articles to re-write again and measure the improvements in your writing you have developed over-time. It would be a push up in your level of confidence. Furthermore, you can choose to re-write the articles of newspaper or magazines of your choice.

So finally these are the 7 tips to increase your writing skills I know and shared with you. Let me know if you have more of your own and help each other. Nothing is perfect and we always remain in a learning curve. Be dedicated and devoted. Take Care!

8 Blogging Habits of Successful Bloggers

8 Blogging Habits of Successful Bloggers
When we say blogging, what kind of picture does it create in your mind? Making money out of it? or sharing your knowledge with other people? Well mostly these are the two main reasons behind of people start blogging. But only a few of the category "Making Money Out of It" get closer to success and almost all of the category "Sharing Your Knowledge With Others" get success. So why is it? What are the phenomena behind it? This is simply because the people who want to share their knowledge with other people are willing to help others with their writing skills and knowledge. So they possess some Qualities or Habits which make them stand out of the crowd. They are writing for themselves and ultimately end up writing for everyone while other who start blogging with very intention of making money, write for search engines, use rewrite software to produce several articles and doing plagiarism intentionally. They lack "Quality" and no one visits your blog without any reason. A visitor comes to your blog for a reason and if it isn't fulfilled, he will never come back again so would you?

8 Blogging Habits of Successful Bloggers

1) Writing, Writing, And Writing

Do you think we have another option? :) The more you write, more you efficient be. While practicing this, you will come to know and explore a number of things required in your writing which make your readers read every single line of your article. You will have a unique style in your writing which will help your articles go viral and creating die heart fans for you. And this is the only way to "Regularly Update" our blogs.

2) Being A Learner

A blogger always remains in a never ending "LEARNING CURVE". You can never be the one who knows everything about your blogging niche/subject because we live in the ever-changing world. Do not forget the very basic rule of "UNIVERSE" which is Change. Keep yourself Updated with the latest news about your blogging niche and let yourself be the first to tell your readers about it.

3) Building Relationships

Building relationships with other bloggers in your blogging niche will bring up new opportunities for you. You can get a lot of help from experienced bloggers and It gives you the chance to get exposed to the new audience as sooner or later, they will link back to you from their blog.

4) Building Backlinks

Always have a habit of building backlinks for every new blog post you publish. At least five backlinks should be made and you can simply do it via commenting on related blogs in relevant posts. 

5) Editing Older Posts

As we keep writing, after a few time we will be having a lot of random posts in our archives. Some of them would still be performing well and some of them are dead. So you are losing the potential of having those older posts go viral again. But how? This is possible via editing them again. Just search for the updated content and add it to them. Now pick some related posts say 3 to 5 and interlink them all making a series out of them. Isn't it cool? :)

6) Setting Goals To Achieve

It helps a lot in every field of life. If you want to achieve a BIG goal, just break it down into small parts means DAILY goals to achieve. This way you would not get distracted easily. The best way to do it is giving an award to yourself after achievement of the Goal. The award may be as stupid as you like. :)

7) Involving in Communities

There are several communities out there for each and every niche possible so find out some communities relevant to your blog and spend some time out there to help people by understanding what they want/need and then providing the solution via your writing. This way you get tons of ideas for new blog posts which your audience is in need of.

8) Patience

In the early days of blogging life, it seems like we are talking to our-self. No comment, no appraisal, no like and no share of our posts is what we get. No matter how good it is or how hard work we put into it. This is the common reason of "Giving Up" but the one who keeps patience make it possible and the others start blaming that blogging does not work and we can not make living out of it. You will do a lot of mistakes but keep learning, testing and exploring new ways. Ultimately you will make a stand out of thousands of bloggers who started with you but could not succeed because they had "No Patience".

These are not the hard and fast rules and rules are made to be broken. Make your own set of rules, follow them, break them, remake them and re-follow. This process goes on. I would love to join the conversation in comments if you would like to :). Stay blessed!

7 Things to Do After Publishing A New Blog Post

7 Things To Do After Publishing A New Blog Post
We all love the feeling of having a new blog post ready to publish which needs only one click on Publish Button. Do you think your work is over? Yes? Let me tell you that this is the time where real task starts for you and every one. Our article supposed to be seen/read by the people who need it, means right audience is what we need this time. Otherwise why did we do so much hard work to write? No? So there are a numbers of things to do after publishing a new blog post to reach the right audience. Below are the things I came to know and now sharing with you.

1) Share On Social Media

This is the first step we do but doing it in right way is what matters. There are countless numbers of social media platforms available but only few of them carries weight. So we will talk about two excluding Facebook :).

a) Google Plus+

Google plus is slightly different than other social media platforms. There is no limit of characters in your status update box compared to twitter and you can use it for your advantage by creating multiple useful teasers and leaving relevant links to your blog posts. Best way to reach the target audience is joining the communities on Google+ related to your blog niche. After joining them, do not try to promote your content for  a few days and instead be active to help other members by contributing. The biggest benefit will be your "AUTHORITY". More and more members will start recognizing you the way you do help and will follow what ever you share. So after being active for few days, you can start promoting your content in an appropriate manner. Then sit back and watch the "TARGETED AUDIENCE" coming back to your blog.

b) Twitter

Twitter is one of those social networks which continue carrying weight after several years of their existence. The biggest downfall for its users like you and me is "140 Characters Limit". So we need to be creative while sharing our blog post on twitter. First step we need to do is shorten our blog post url so that we can increase the character limit (use free services like or for shortening Url). Second step is using #Hastags which are relevant and popuar in our blog niche. If you do not know the Popular #Hastags for your niche, then simply use http:/ to find them for you. You might not be knowing that there are number of people who do care and monitor certain #tags they are interested in. So overall chances are more that your tweets will be seen by a larger number of audience then your fans and re-tweeted. Another way to reach the targeted audience is doing this step by yourself. I mean search for the tweets related to your blog post and then reply with a teaser link. Chances are more that a loyal follower will also be added to your followers list.

2) Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking seems like no more useful to some people by now and I myself also feel like that but still I am stuck to two major social bookmarking sites which are And So the very reason behind using these two sites is "Instant Traffic" to my blog post I do share. I would recommend you to use them regularly. Mostly Reddit is my favorite and sometimes I do receive upto 50+ visits within few hours of sharing it and it depends on the type of article plus choosing right reddit (category) for it to share.

3) Moderating And Replying To Comments

Now people use crap software to build backlinks by comments. So everyone receives a lot of "SPAM" comments in blog posts and if you do not moderate your comments, you are losing your loyal audience. Because when your visitors would scroll down to comment, they will see a long list of spam comments talking about moon where your article is about honey :). So they would not give it a try even if they have a question to ask, they will leave and instead feel good to ask Google :). Second step is replying to your comments. Never miss this chance as it helps us to build relationships with our readers. Give them "Royal Treatment" because they deserve.

4) Commenting On Other Blogs

This time you need to get ready for reading other similar blogs' posts and leaving valuable comments with teaser link. Do not spam and if someone has asked a question to the author and to which admin has not replied, just feel lucky and reply to that comment nicely with a teaser link back to your post. Never forget to tell the blog author about that you have also written a same blog post.

5) Ping-o-matic

Mostly search engines will index your newly written article within few days (depends on the PR) but why should you wait when you can tell them that you have written a new blog post and get it indexed within no time? Use Ping-o-matic tool to do that with your new blog post URL or else you can use Google Webmaster Tools To Index Your Articles as soon as you publish them.

6) Sending Newsletter

Do you use Email Marketing? Then you might have already a huge list of email subscribers so add your article to your next newsletter. Use a brief summary of your article and then a teaser link back to your original article to read more.

7) Adding Links In Signatures

Do you use forums to build Backlinks? Then this might be a good idea to update your signature links with newly written blog post URL. DO it each time you publish a new blog post.

Final Words: Now its your turn to remind me if I left any other point in "must do things after publishing a new blog post". If you are new to this, then these steps may seem too much for you but believe me, sooner you will get familiar with them. After all, our hard work on writing needs to be utilized by the right audience. Take Care.

What Is Difference Between Blog And Website?

What is Difference Between Blog And Website
Did you ever wonder about the difference between a Blog and Website? Usually, people think that if they are surfing the net, they are on a website. But there are some major differences between a blog and a website which make them different from each other. So every time you are surfing the net, you may be on a blog or a website. However, both of them are used to publish content but the type of content is what matters where you would want to use a website or a blog for yourself to publish your content online. In this tutorial, we shall come to know the difference between both and to decide which one is suitable for you.

What is a Blog?

What Is A Blog?A Blog is a blend of term "Web log" and a type of website which is supposed to be updated with fresh content frequently/daily. The way we present the content on a blog is called post, like the one you are reading now. All the posts on a blog are presented in chronological order (latest to older) and all the older data is stored in blog archives. The main page of the blog shows a number of posts published recently (newly published). On sidebar, bloggers use to show a short number of recently published and most popular posts.
1) Blog Typically Doesn't Not Allow Server Side Scripting.
2) Older Posts are Stored in archives.
3) Use of commenting system and allow anyone to comment below each post (Commenting system may be closed by the author).
4) Articles/Posts are published in a chronological order.
5) Shows a number of the most recent or popular posts in the sidebar widget.
6) Content is posted by an individual or a group of authors.
In Simple Words, a blog is a kind of your Diary or Journal you keep updating.

What is a Website?

What is A Website?
A website is a more general term. A website does not publish posts instead it adds data to the pages for its users which a website has to offer. All the pages have no limit about how much data can be posted or in which way it is presented. However, one needs to know the programming languages like as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Php, Python etc. to build the websites as each page is separate static page and they do not publish posts. A blog may be a part of the website linked from the homepage of the website. A website usually has little to no limits about how and what data can be published on it. Mostly the data published on website's pages remain same or unedited. All the other pages on a website are linked from the main page. A website might have few to thousands of pages of it depends upon the need of the person making the website.
An example of websites:,,,, or any other like the same.
1) Websites are usually made with the intention of doing business or for existing business.
2) You can sell your products online.
3) You can render your services online.
4) You can make membership websites.
5) Creation of websites is more expensive as you need to hire professionals to design your website and you require a nice budget before you get the start.

Which One Do You Need, A Website or Blog?

The answer to this question depends on your needs that what you want to do online. If you are about to share your content online with your readers like the way we are doing here, then you can go with a BLOG else wise you can opt for a website. Usually more and more people prefer setting up a blog these days as it takes less than 10 minutes to setup a blog and get ready online to publish content where websites are not easy to create as you need to design everything from scratch. There is everything ready for blogs and you just need to pick one nice theme/template from the free collection or buy one and publish with a push of the button. Two major and widely used platforms for creating blogs worldwide are WordPress and Blogger (Note: You can also create membership websites with WordPress). If you are serious with your blogging and can afford Web hosting for your blog, then I must refer you to WordPress as it gives you full control or else wise you can always use to create your free blog.

Conclusion: Here above, I tried my best to differentiate both and make a clear view in your mind and also to help you make your decision of choosing which one to go with. I hope that you got to know the difference and I added everything mostly what needed to be said in this article. If you think I left something, just remind me in the comments and I'll try to add them. Stay Safe!